WEBINAR: The position paper in depth
On 3 March 2021, an in-depth webinar was held to explain the Farming for Future project in more detail and to engage with the main stakeholders of the sector.
Here is an excerpt of what has been published on the number 34 of Biogas Informa, magazine published by CIB – Consorzio Italiano Biogas.
“Farming for Future, comes from afar, but it took its form during the first lockdown, when it was born the desire to systematize the great wealth of knowledge and experience acquired over time, since the pioneers of biogas have included the anaerobic digester in their farm. Farming for Future was born in the countryside, where it was seen that the DA was not only a driver for innovation in energy production, but also in agronomic practices, agricultural mechanization, agriculture 4.0. Here it was understood that the soil, in addition to being a productive factor, is also a natural resource to be protected for all the ecosystem services it generates.
“Agriculture is a strategic sector in the fight against climate change. Thanks to Farming for Future’s agroecological conversion”, says Piero Gattoni, “Italian agriculture will be able to contribute directly, by re- BIOGAS INFORMA – N.34/2021 | 33 ducing its emissions about 30%, and indirectly, by helping to reduce the use of fossil fuels about 6%. A potential of 31,000kt CO2/year avoided, equal to the emissions of 50% of the italian circulating car fleet. One of our objectives”, continued our president, “is to demonstrate that, in line with the European strategy, it is possible to cut emissions without renouncing to the quality productions that characterise the excellence of Made in Italy, enhancing them even more”.
After the project introduction, Filippo Solibello, brilliant moderator of the morning, animated the discussion by giving the floor to the invited speakers.”